Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities-.-.-.-for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. —2 Corinthians 12:10

A pastor who was accomplishing great things for God was asked the key to his success. Everyone thought he would respond with, “You need charisma,” or “the ability to relate to people.” They were astounded when, instead, he replied, “I have found the most important characteristic for anyone who wants to accomplish great things in the kingdom of God is weakness.” No accomplishment of eternal value in God’s kingdom is a result of men’s efforts. It is a result of God using individuals who cannot do things by themselves.

Remember, if you can do it, then you don’t need God. Become radically dependent upon Him. Your independence from God gives Satan a foothold into your life. Your weakness recognized and admitted is the Spirit’s opportunity to use you as His vessel for ministry and service.

As you start your day, put God in charge. Ask Him to do what you cannot do through your own ability.

Almighty God, I acknowledge that in You alone is
all strength, power, and anointing. I need You
and can do nothing without Your presence.
Show me my weaknesses and fill me with
Your strength to accomplish
Your will. Amen.


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