Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. —Matthew 24:43

The devil wants to grieve you by taking your loved ones and your most treasured possessions. He wants to torment you by taking your peace and security. He wants to rob you of your health, your finances and your cherished dreams. Most of all, he wants to shake your faith in the Word of God, so you will be powerless to stand against him. He will strike at your life, taunting, “Why didn’t God prevent this?” He will laugh at your sorrow and sneer, “Curse God and die!”

A thief does not have to be strong to steal. All he has to do is wait until there is no one home! This is what the devil does. He preys on people who are not “at home” spiritually. He stalks those who do not believe he is real, because he knows they will not be on guard against him. He lurks behind Christians who believe he is real—but leave themselves open to his oppression.

Be watchful, stay alert, and stand guard! Guard the home of your heart. Stand spiritual watch over your family through intercession and teaching the Word.

Jesus, don’t let me lower my guard against
the enemy. Keep me alert and in
the Word all the time. Amen.

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