Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

For which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know in whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. —2 Timothy 1:12

God is going to be God, whether the answer to your prayer ever manifests or not. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego looked death in the eye and said, “Our God is more than able to deliver us, but even if he doesn’t we will still serve Him” (cf. Daniel 3:16-18).

Settle it in your mind and in your spirit once and for all that you are committed to God and His ordinances. Determine that, come what may, you are going to serve Him in loving obedience.

We all know what to do when God is speaking to us. It is when He is silent that those who have not settled it begin to falter in their walk. You will stumble over every rock of adversity the devil tosses in your path, unless you can shout like Timothy with the conviction of knowing in whom you believe.

Ambivalence leads to double-mindedness. God cannot use a double-minded man (James 1:7-8). Settle in your mind that you will have single-minded devotion to Christ. Settle it before the storm comes.

Jesus, I have settled the Lordship issue
in my life. You are Lord. You are Master.
You are my King. You alone will I obey.


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