Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

For the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. —Mark 10:45

Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Like the father waiting for his prodigal son to come home, the Father waited for an eternity for us to come home, back into His arms. After waiting and waiting, God could wait no more. Love seeks out that which is loved. Before we could ever turn back toward home, He came to us through His Son, Jesus. He gave us everything we asked for and more. Before we asked, He died for us, offering us His eternal gift of love—everlasting life. He wants us to live forever so that He can love us forever!

Like the prodigal son, we may run to the Father, fall at His feet, and beg to serve Him. He always refuses. Instead, He picks us up, bathes us with His tears, clothes us with a white robe of righteousness washed in the blood of Jesus, puts the ring of power and authority on our finger, and ushers us into a feast fit for the King.

Do not expect to sit under the table and grab for any crumb that may fall. No, in Christ you sit at the Father’s right hand—the seat of honor. And to your surprise, when you reach out to fill His cup and serve His plate, His hand stops yours. In wonderment, you look into His eyes. Then you know the truth. He seats you at the King’s table for one purpose—to serve you.

Jesus, thank You that I do not have to settle
for the crumbs of life. I rejoice in the privilege of coming to
Your table with a feast fit for a king. Amen.

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