Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. —John 12:26

The kingdom of God is built on servanthood. Isaiah gave his voice to prophesy the Savior’s coming. One angel descended from the heavens to tell a young virgin she would bear the Savior of the world and another offered his voice to proclaim the Savior’s birth. Mary offered her womb, while Joseph gave his fiancee. The donkey lent his back and the cattle gave their warmth. The earth volunteered the straw on which our Savior lay, while the moon gave its light. A star pointed the direction for the wise men bringing gifts. All these things were done in labor inspired by love because God gave His Son.

But it was the Son who gave all. He gave His life. He said, “No man takes it from me. I can lay it down, and I can take it up again.” He could have called ten thousand angels to His aid, but He willingly died for you and me. Servanthood is giving of your time, energy, and talent, expecting nothing in return. This is the kingdom of God.

Read Philippians 2. How does your life reflect the servant attitude of Jesus Christ? In what ways does pride hinder ministry and servanthood in your life?

Lord Jesus, shape my perspective on all of life
so that I may see others as those whom I serve
instead of expecting them to serve me. Amen.

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