Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it. —Matthew 13:23

You cannot expect a harvest unless you sow in good soil. Fertile soil for a spiritual harvest is a location God Himself has endorsed (Deuteronomy 26:2). God places His name where His Word is preached, where people are being saved, where there is a strong conviction of right and wrong, and where the leadership is not afraid to tell the truth about sin. Good soil is found where deliverance is preached and practiced, and where the Holy Spirit has complete liberty to move in His baptism, anointing, power, gifts, and grace.

The best seed in the world will fail if it is not watered by the Word and nourished by the Holy Spirit. Sow where there is a continual, tangible presence of the Lord. Sow into the good soil of ministry where Jesus Christ, not man or program, is lifted up.

Spirit of God, show me where to sow my seed into
the good soil of ministry. Help me not only to sow but
also to pray and work in ministry so that Your name
will be exalted. Amen.

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