Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Real Talk Kim: If You’ve Hit Rock Bottom, You Need to Make This Hard Decision

At the lowest point in her life, Kimberly Jones-Pothier, aka Real Talk Kim, knew she needed to make some hard decisions. It was time for a heart check and some major reevaluation.

“For the majority of my life, I was just bitter, like I always found everything in the negative,” Jones-Pothier told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I was always one of those people that looked at the glass as half empty. And then, when you hit rock bottom and find out who the rock is at the bottom, you start to reevaluate your life.

“At that point, you’re either going to allow life to beat the tar out of you, and you’re going to get mad and bitter and take it out on everybody … nobody wants to be around you. If you died, nobody would go to your funeral.

“Finally, you wake up one day and say, ‘I’m sick and tired of bringing a storm everywhere I go, the dark clouds.’ Life is hard all by itself, and we need some people who bring the sunshine in.

“For me, I made a decision. I could cry in my milk and eat my emotions, or I can start looking at this thing like the glass is half full and pour some more water in. You can be focused and be intentional and start deleting what ain’t working in your life. Get that book going, get that business going and let go of some of the termites in your life.”

For more of Real Talk Kim, listen to this podcast. {eoa}

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