Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance. —Acts 2:4

The rushing wind that blew into the room that day was the unexpected fulfillment of expected promise and prophecy. Isaiah and Joel had both foretold the coming of this day (Isaiah 28:11; Joel 2:28-29). Jesus had told them to watch for it.

Though he had denied Christ only days before, a downcast Peter waited with the others. When the wind came, Peter changed. He became steadfast and bold in Christ. He spoke with tongues of fire in languages he didn’t even know! He became a man whose shadow would heal the sick. In spite of his shortcomings, Peter had been filled with the Holy Ghost!

It is the commandment of God-and the privilege of God’s people—to be filled with His Spirit in spite of our shortcomings. When we are immersed in Him, we are given supernatural power, grace, and ability. The church needs Pentecostal power for these last days. Invite Him to fill you and transform you today.

Jesus, baptize me with Your Spirit. Empower
me to live in Your supernatural
power and grace. Amen.

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