Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land. —Deuteronomy 8:7

God promised the children of Israel He would bring them into a new land, but the land was not all lush valleys. The settlers also had hills to contend with and rocky fields to till. They had to plow across inclines and deal with soil erosion when the rains came. They had to remove many rocks from their land before they could sow seed. Life in the Promised Land had many ups and downs.

Circumstances are part of God’s process that brings us into His Promised Land. We are all going to experience both good times and bad.

Expect opposition, for it will surely come. Any farmer knows that after he plants his crop, the birds will be after his seed, the rabbits will be after the tender young leaves, and both will be after the fruit of the vine.

Keep your mind renewed in what God has to say about your seed, and nothing will be able to threaten your harvest—not people, not opinions, not fear, not greed, nor doubt. God says when we sow in faith, He will stand on the edge of our land and rebuke the devourer for our sakes. Sow abundantly, and trust God for your harvest.

Lord, I will sow Your Word regardless of the difficulties
or trials. Teach me to sow faithfully and trust You
for the harvest. Amen.

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