Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Narrow Your Focus on God So Your Dreams Will Come to Pass

During the summer months, many of us get distracted, losing the focus on the Lord that we had at the beginning of the year.

— Perhaps you’ve set goals to read the Word daily, and it isn’t happening.

— Maybe you had a goal to serve others, and circumstances have kept you from it.

Whatever your situation may be, now is the time to refocus and realign with the Lord. If you are waiting on the Lord to fulfill your dreams, perhaps He is waiting on you to refocus on Him.

Below are three simple steps to help you get started.

3 Steps to Help You Focus on the Lord

Step 1. Start by praying and stilling your heart every day.

The Word says that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. Make a decision to have a daily appointment with the Lord. Get quiet before Him at the start of every day, and ask for His mercies to cover you. Ask Him for wisdom and strength to keep you focused.

Step 2. Get honest with yourself and the Lord.

The Lord wants to be invited into your innermost thoughts. He says that we can come boldly to the throne of grace because the blood of Jesus covers us. Make a decision to be honest and allow His Spirit to reveal anything in your heart that is offensive, untrusting or unforgiving.

Step 3. Be a doer of the Word.

If you want to reach your goals and see your dreams come to pass, you must do things God’s way. Being a doer of the Word means that you operate out of your identity, and a supernatural byproduct is fulfilling your kingdom assignment.

If your heart and dreams are in alignment with the Lord, then your kingdom assignment will flow right along with them.

Now What?

After going through the three steps above, you must protect your focus and your dreams. You do that by operating out of these 7 pillars of success:

1. Believe Jesus is the author and perfecter of your faith.

2. Have a plan to be in the Word every day.

3. Serve others as an act of sowing seeds that will reap a future harvest.

4. Commit to communing with God in prayer throughout your day.

5. Examine your heart, asking the Spirit of God to reveal any areas that need repentance.

6. Give, as bringing tithes and offerings releases blessings and protects you (see Mal. 3).

7. Be involved in a community of believers who will hold you accountable.

Refocusing on the Lord is part of our faith journey. We all get distracted, and our Father graciously welcomes us back. We just have to turn to Him.

Stay in a place of faith and know that if you narrow your focus on the Lord, your dreams will come to pass.

Listen to this episode of Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority with Curt Landry on Charisma Podcast Network for practical advice to become successful and prosperous in what the Lord has called you to do. {eoa}

Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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