Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Moving From Songwriter to Movement Writer

If you’ve been struggling with songwriting, it may be time to shift from songwriter to movement writer.

Psalm 45:1 (NKJV) says, “My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

Maybe you need a new position to write from. Maybe you need a new perspective to write from. Maybe God is calling you out like a star because your flame needs a new source with a new kind of fuel: the fuel of a movement writer.

2 Samuel 23:2 says, “The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and His word was on my tongue.”

Movement writers’ songs move the church forward. They quicken the spirit within the believers, causing new life and new breath, awakening the church to its new direction.

Movement writers hear the conflict between what is and what is to be. They are prophetic and write toward the future.

Characteristics of a Movement Writer

1. They are awakened by new revelation. When prophets and apostles preach new messages of revelation, something awakens within the songwriter, and they put that message to music.

2. They carry the spirit of the revelation, not just write it. As movement writers, they don’t just put that message to music; it is something that they have revelation of and the authentic authority rings true in the sound of the song.

3. They write for more revelation. There’s something incredible that happens when they write. It seems to release more revelation (Ps. 49.4).

4. They write toward the future, generations ahead. King David demonstrated new covenant worship for future generations. This is why Acts 15:16 declared God was restoring the tabernacle of David.

5. They burn with a musical fire to prophesy. They prophesy through songwriting. The very words of their songs bring life through the voice of the Lord (2 Chron. 25:1-3).

6. They are compelled to cause change. David wrote his way to a new day. In the darkness of a cave, hiding from Saul, he wrote a song of change and breakthrough (Ps. 57:8).

7. They understand the connection between sound and movement. Sound is movement, and movement causes sound.

The Sound of the Third Reformation

Within the third global apostolic reformation movement is a worship reformation movement. That worship reformation is transitioning us from the tabernacle of David to the tabernacle of God.

This is where the new perspective and positioning is found. The tabernacle of God from Rev. 21.3 is the seed for writing the next movement songs.

God is calling forth a new generation of songwriting movement writers. They are not content to write songs that only comfort; they are burning to write songs that awaken the worshippers and move the church forward.

This is your next awakening. This is your next reformation. This is your next movement. Join the movement; write the movement!

Listen to this episode of The Prophetic Worship Leader on Charisma Podcast Network now. {eoa}

Dean Mitchum is the founder of Movement Writers School of Worship and the host of The Prophetic Worship Leader Podcast. Dean and Lisa Mitchum serve as the directors of Worship Ministries for Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International and as the worship pastors for apostles Tom and Jane Hamon of Vision Church at Christian International. Dean is the author of Apostolic Kingdom Praise and The Tabernacle of God. Dean and Lisa have written more than 100 worship songs and produced 17 worship albums. Dean is a powerful prophetic psalmist and apostolic teacher. Together they specialize in writing for the current moves of God, playing prophetically and leading worship that changes the atmosphere. They have been married 39 years and have five children and six grandchildren. They make their home near the beautiful emerald coast on the Florida panhandle.

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