Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Here are 20 tips from women currently in apostolic leadership that will help make your journey to full-time ministry a successful one.
1. Develop an intimate relationship with God and learn to know His voice.

2. Have a heart to fulfill God’s kingdom vision and your destiny.

3. Find your identity in God. Determine what your calling is, and step out in it with confidence as God provides opportunities.

4. Don’t get frustrated trying to make it happen. Put your hand to what is already in front of you, study to show yourself approved and enjoy where you are on the way to where you’re going.

5. Start serving in small ways. Prove your faithfulness in those and then follow God’s direction from step to step as He expands your responsibility.

6. Get a core group of people around you who believe in you and who will support and pray for you.

7. Do not be diverted from your call by circumstances or people who don’t line up with it. Be sensitive to ungodly counsel.

8. Find a mentor who has experience, who believes in you and your potential, and who is willing to provide the necessary training and equipping to help you fulfill God’s call on your life.

9. Go to places where the Spirit of God is moving and get around people who are anointed, particularly in the areas in which you feel called, so you can receive an impartation from them.

10. Attend short-term apostolic training events.

11. Study the lives of women who have gone before you in ministry, including women in the Bible, to learn from their experience.

12. Prepare in every area of your life to pursue God’s call. Be ready financially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for what God is asking you to do.

13. Remember that ministry comes out of relationship. Continually seek to deepen your relationship with God through prayer and study of the Word.

14. Have a clear understanding of what ministry is. Ministry is simply helping somebody with the love of Jesus wherever there’s a need.

15. Don’t neglect your family. Take care of your husband, children and responsibilities at home.

16. Don’t become a prima donna. Remain touchable.

17. Make sure you don’t hold any bitterness in your heart toward men.

18. Do what you do with excellence.

19. Attend a strong local church for accountability purposes and as a covering for your ministry.

20. Grow in authority by continually obeying God.

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