Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Megachurch Pastor Reveals the One Message We All Need to Hear

Discouraged. Overwhelmed. Stressed-out. Burdened.

Sound familiar? Of course it does. But Kyle Idleman, pastor of 22,000-member Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, says the challenge doesn’t often come in “one big devastating moment.” Instead, he says, it’s “stress contamination” caused by lots of small things piling on.

Idleman has a simple solution. In his own case, he says, “I needed somebody to challenge me. … to say, ‘Hey, you need to quit feeling sorry for yourself and find your strength in the Lord.”

Idleman’s newest book, Don’t Give Up, teaches readers to make a shift in their prayers as David did in the Psalms. “You begin by telling God about your anxiety or stress or your discouragement, but that’s not where you end. You end by telling your discouragement about God.”

He points to Hebrews 12 as what he calls an “anchor passage,” where “the writer says that if you focus your eyes on Jesus, you won’t grow weary, you won’t lose heart.”

Listen to the podcast to find out more of Idleman’s Spirit-filled secrets for casting your cares on the Lord.

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