Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Marketing Faith in a City Near You


If you recognize any of the
photos to the right, then your city has likely already been targeted for
a takeover—a faith takeover, that is. Since 2009, the I Am Second
ministry has launched advertising campaigns nationwide with billboards
that feature images of celebrities and a Web address,
The goal: to intrigue viewers enough that they’ll visit the site, which
has videos of celebrities and others telling why they are second and
Christ is first in their lives.

Since the ministry launched in Dallas,
its website has had millions of visitors. Along with recent launches in
Orlando, Fla.; Evansville, Ind.; and Kansas City, Mo., I Am Second hopes
to expand into other areas of the country with targeted marketing for Christ. Check out these inspiring snippets from the videos. 

Janine Turner, actress

“Nothing can drive you to your knees
like show business. Now … I understand I only saw the threads. But God
saw the whole tapestry of my life and wouldn’t let me quit. My name is
Janine Turner and I am second.”

Josh Hamilton,  MLB player 

“I said, ‘[God] I need help. I’ve
been trying to do this for so long. I can’t try anymore, because I fail
on my own. You do with me what you want to do with me, but I surrender.’
… [Now] I believe in Christ. I believe He’s first in my life,
family’s second and everything else is after that. … I am Josh
Hamilton and I am second.

BailEe Madison, actress

“I don’t want it to be about me. I want it to be about God, and that is the most important thing. I just want everyone to know that I’m Bailee and I’m definitely second.“

Bethany Hamilton, pro surfer

“From what seems like such a horrible
thing, God has just brought glory to Himself through me. My name is
Bethany Hamilton and I am second. “

Mike Huckabee, politician

“The biggest mistake that I think I
had to learn was that following Jesus doesn’t mean I’m following Him to
the White House or I’m following Him to the governor’s mansion or I’m
following Him to do television. No, I’m following Him to be with Him. I
am second, and Jesus is first because He has already been everywhere
I’ve never been and still want to be.”

Tony Dungy, former NFL head coach

“I didn’t know at the time when I got
fired what I was supposed to do. I think one of the hardest things in
life is when you have an idea of what you hope for, what you pray for,
and it doesn’t come through. [I’ve learned that] every decision I make
in life, I’m going to make it through the lens of Jesus Christ. I’m
going to put Him out there first, and my own feelings, my own thoughts,
my own desires are going to be second.“

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