Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And they talked together of all these things which had happened. And it came to pass.-.-.-.-Jesus himself drew near, and went with them. But their eyes were holden that they should not know him. —Luke 24:14-16

Two weary men headed for home, their hopes for liberation dashed on a bloody Cross. The man they believed was their Messiah had been murdered.

Although Jesus Himself joined them in the way, they did not recognize Him. They had heard Peter and the others testify that the tomb was empty, yet grief, fear, hopelessness, and tragedy blinded their eyes. They were focused on their circumstances rather than on their promise.

They had had expectations that were unfulfilled. But Jesus did not come to meet our expectations. He came to fulfill the will of the Father.

But as Jesus journeyed alongside these disheartened men, He revealed the triumph they could not see. Their eyes were opened, and they knew him (v. 31).

Don’t let your expectations blind you to what the Father is doing. Are you confused over your circumstances and disappointed that God has not moved as you expected? Let the One who walks beside you open your eyes to His plan and His purpose.

Jesus, open my eyes to see You and my ears
to hear You. As You walk beside me in
the way, reveal Yourself and the
Father to me, I pray. Amen.

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