Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Learn From This Kingdom-Minded Leader to Grow Your God-Given Gifts

“If your goal can be achieved in your lifetime, it’s not ambitious enough.”

These are the words a mentor used to challenge Oscar Trimboli. Oscar’s goal? Teaching 100 million people how to deeply listen to others. Oscar teaches that listening is not only a matter of understanding another person. Instead, it is a way for you to help the other person—the speaker—understand herself.

With a goal this expansive, Oscar started sharing it everywhere he could. He had no way of knowing that his message and goal to teach 100 million people how to deeply listen would lead to one of the most impactful stories I’ve heard from a listener.

This episode of Life As Leadership with Oscar on the Charisma Podcast Network reached the leader of a Bible study. She found the insight so practical that she decided to assign the episode to her group as “extra credit.”

Many of the ladies in the group were struggling in their marriages, but the leader didn’t know if her group would take her assignment seriously. To her surprise, seven of the women said that—after listening to the episode—they were able to have some of the most meaningful conversations they’d had with their husbands in a long time. Furthermore, four of these couples committed to pursuing biblical marriage counseling!

There was no way of knowing that a single listener would connect with this message of deep listening and share it with others who would impact even more people.

You never know who is listening to you or who you might need to listen to in order to change someone’s life. But I humbly submit this episode to you as one that could literally change yours. {eoa}

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