Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom. —Matthew 4:23

God’s kingdom is not a democracy. Christ is our King, and we are His loyal subjects. When we accept His Lordship, we accept His provision and His protection. When we refuse His reigning presence, we are assured of destruction. You are only the trustee of what you possess. Everything you have belongs to your King.

Again and again Jesus taught us that if we will be good stewards of what God gives us, when He returns we will be greatly rewarded.

The power to create wealth is one of God’s gifts under the covenant. Jesus only intensified the terms of the covenant. If we will live faithfully under the new covenant, we will be even more effective than those who operated under the old covenant. If you will submit your finances to the headship of Christ, you will experience the prosperity, blessing, freedom, and security His authority brings.

What material possessions do you now need to surrender to the Lordship of Christ? What do you need to surrender? Surrendering everything to Him opens you to receiving whatever He desires to give to you.

Lord, I release my grasp on all my material possessions.
I know that I own nothing. I am Your steward,
and everything belongs to You. Help me to give
that I might receive and then give again. Amen.

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