Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

And it came to pass after three days, that the officers went through the host; and they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it. —Joshua 3:2-3

Joshua stood on the banks of the Jordan and told the Israelites to get ready—in three days, they would cross the Jordan and invade Jericho.

This was a giant step of faith, but Joshua prepared them for what God had in store. When it came time to move, the Ark of the Covenant went before them. As the feet of the priests touched the waters, the waters were cut off, and they crossed safely.

Notice that after the preparation came the stepping forth. Israel had to move through the waters and into the land. Though God had given them the land, they still had to possess it. When God moved, they moved. When He stopped, they stopped. Each step of the way, they had to listen to God.

We miss the moving of God when we do not prepare ourselves and watch for what God is doing. When God gets ready to move, He takes those who are willing and have prepared themselves as holy, pure vessels. Will you be ready when God moves?

Lord, I do not want to move until You move.
I do not want to go forth into battle unprepared. Equip me to possess
the land and to hear Your voice clearly. Amen.

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