Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Is This One Small Word Destroying Your Sanity?

I’ve always been a “yes” person.

When opportunities emerge, I say, “Yes!” When events pop up, ‘I’m like: “I’m there!” When I’m given the chance to do something cool, fun or professionally exciting, I internally scream, “Sign me up!”

But the reality is: sometimes I (and we) need to say, “No.”

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Unfortunately, being a “yes” person has had its drawbacks. Too often, I’ve been stressed out, overworked and not able to devote attention to the things that matter most. Plus, you end up having to eventually say “no” after you’ve already said “yes,” and that can get … awkward.

So, over the past year I’ve made a commitment: to take everything to prayer and to really seek God before I make any definitive commitments.

I’m not sure why, but this was a tough transition, as I have typically acted on emotion and opportunity, but the reality is: Why are we wasting time on the things we’re not meant to be doing? In the end, we should be seeking God and His plan, not meandering down roads we’re not intended to be traveling on.

In today’s “Invigorate” podcast, I dive deep into the biblical reasons we need to sometimes be “no” people. Check it out in this article (and subscribe to the podcast here). {eoa}

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