Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Is the Holy Spirit Your Best Friend?

We’ve been digging into the many tasks the Holy Spirit accomplishes. Prayerfully, this is a most welcomed reminder and a great blessing of God’s presence on this earth. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate best friend to believers. God doesn’t want us simply saved, then waiting until we go home to heaven. God wants a daily relationship with us!

So far we’ve covered the tasks of convicting us of sin and creating and regenerating the new believer. These are the tasks we’re going to dig into in the upcoming weeks:

— Sealing you for salvation.

— Reminding you of your salvation.

— Teaching you the Bible.

— Interceding for you in prayer.

— Comforting you when you need it.

— Empowering you to serve God.

— Discernment regarding decisions.

— Conducting daily life with Christ-like character.

Does this stir your spirit? I hope it does! Don’t miss an episode in this series of Loved Always.

We have been diving into sharing Jesus with those around us as well as growing with the Lord. We are working from my two books, Heaven Bound and Walking The Talk . You can read along and listen to my recent episode of Loved Always on Charisma Podcast Network. My website,, has links to purchase each book. Bring along your Bible as it is the foundation for any book I write to help believers. There are countless Scripture references in these books. We will only be able to touch the surface within this framework.

I would like to make sure you have great resources that help you in your journey with the great God we love, serve and worship. Need a tool for group Bible study or new members at your church? Yes, both books are great resources for that too!

As believers, we get the privilege and opportunity to make Jesus famous. Will you join me? The website now has a donation link. I would also invite you to sow into this ministry and partner with me as I continue to share Jesus within every avenue God opens to me. Your prayers and support are always most appreciated.

Please enjoy the verse of the day or leave a prayer request at {eoa}

Read articles like this one and other Spirit-led content in our new platform, CHARISMA PLUS.

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