Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Is Deliverance From Demons Enough?

Our enemy is an arsonist, and he is drunk with hate to burn you to the ground. He would go to any length to vanquish his target with no regard to collateral damage. In fact, he applauds it.

In ministry, I have clocked many hours of counselling and deliverance. A synonymous currency in this genre is that until people are truly free; they are confined to a Petri dish-experience.

Let me be clear on this: Deliverance is the medication that addresses the behavioral symptoms but not the disease. Until God is able to reset your unreliable sensory perceptions, you are not dancing the choreography; it’s dancing you.

There are a few things that I am passionate about, and one of them is to demonstrate the power of God to this generation. Being delivered from demons and living in freedom are two different bites from the proverbial apple.

John 8:32 says that you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. The Greek translation brings an instrumental angle to this statement “the truth that you know, will set you free.” Jesus was saying that if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. However, “free indeed” is not automatic but conditional in knowing the truth of God’s Word and walking in it.

Casting out demons was a normal part of Jesus’ ministry. The moment we accept Christ as our Savior, our spirits are revived, but our souls still needs to be transformed, renewed and delivered. That is why Paul says in Ephesians 4:23 that we need to be renewed in the spirit of our minds.

But being prepared to do something doesn’t necessarily speak to desire. It’s my experience that it is in this process of transformation where many people give up, but until you surrender to your renovation, your life with be catastrophically compromised.

I want to encourage you to listen to Encounter Now on the Charisma Podcast Network, where I reveal further insight on self-deliverance, by clicking on the link here. {eoa}

Leon du Preez, as founder and president of Encounter Churches and Encounter Global Network, carries a mantle and role of a prophet within the body of Christ. He has successfully planted Encounter Churches, with record growth and attendance. Leon’s ministry and Encounter Church is followed by notable signs, wonders and miracles, especially prophecy. He has been recognized as a divine gift and endorsed by senior ministers and prophets of prophets. His God-given mandate is reaching millions across the globe, through TV, conferences and church planting as he imparts a prophetic mantle to ministers and leaders for a fresh vision in their ministries.

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