Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. —John 4:24

At the well, the Samaritan woman recognized that Jesus was a prophet, and she launched into the ongoing dispute between the Jews and Samaritans regarding the proper place to worship God. Jesus offered her a fresh way to see God, the “who” of worship instead of the “how” or “where.”

As God is a Spirit, so are you. You may think you have a spirit, but you are a spirit. Jesus said we must worship God in spirit. If you try to worship God in your flesh, you will be distracted by where you are, how you feel, and what is happening around you.

While still chained in darkness, a prisoner in the dungeons of Rome, Paul rejoiced in being seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Paul was not hallucinating! He took hold of the revelation that he was a spirit, and in the spirit he dwelt in the presence of God. If you live in the flesh you will miss it, because revelation is not received in your flesh. Take hold of this reality and learn to live, see, and hear in the spirit.

Holy Spirit, put Your new and fresh revelation in my
heart. I take hold of You and know that I have taken
hold of Truth and reality. Amen.

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