Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In Heaven’s ‘Shark Tank,’ What Kind of Investor Are You?

At our last house we spent almost seven years not using an entire chunk of our yard, but not because we didn’t want to. It lay dormant because we didn’t even know it was ours to use. Long before we bought it, our neighbor had their fence enclosing part of our property. Until we went to sell and reviewed the survey, we never noticed!

Psalm 16:6 (NIV) says, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” I received this verse as I was praying into what the Lord wanted to say to His people about finance. Bringing to mind our old house, God emphasized, “Many don’t know where their boundary lines are.”

You can’t invest what you have if you don’t know what you have.

You have been given heaven’s property to steward. Like the famous show Shark Tank, you sit as a heavenly investor before countless potential partnership opportunities. The question is, do you know where your boundaries are? Do you know what you’ve been given, and are you utilizing it to the fullest? When is the last time you’ve reviewed your spiritual “investment portfolio”?

Part of hearing God every day is hearing what He wants us to invest (our time, talents and resources) into as well as cutting off current investments that actually aren’t His vision for us this season. Start by asking the Lord to show you what you’ve been given to invest. Go through your list of what you currently invest time, talent and resources into and ask Him what items on that list are not something He’s calling you to this season. Then the Lord to highlight a few new opportunities He’s wanting to partner with through you. You may be surprised and delighted at where God has set your boundaries. {eoa}

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Sara Whitten is an author, speaker, equipper and founder of Arrows of Zion Ministry. She and her husband are pastors for the youth of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. Sara is a prophetic writer that is featured on Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, Charisma and more. She hosts Hear God Everyday on the Charisma Podcast Network, a podcast with tools to help amplify the voice of God amidst the noise of everyday life.

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