Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

If Your Soul Is Unsatisfied, Here’s What to Do

“For He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness” (Ps. 107:9).

On the rare occasion when our family goes out to eat, we make sure the kids are grateful for the food on their plates and appreciate how hard Mommy and Daddy work to pay the tab. We don’t want them to grow up feeling entitled, expecting gifts without realizing how someone sacrificed to give it. There are times they get carried away, and their eyes are too big for their stomachs. I can assure you, the Riveras take those leftovers home! We will not let them go to waste, and that doggie bag isn’t even from a fancy restaurant.

If someone were treating you to an amazing meal at an expensive restaurant, could you imagine only eating a few bites and abruptly leaving the table? Platters of high-priced delicacies—yours for the taking. Would you push them away and choose to stay hungry? No, you would never do that. I know I sure wouldn’t. We’d be crazy to walk away from such a lavish blessing. Now, look at the spread our heavenly Father has set before us.

As God’s children, we sit at a beautifully prepared table. Like a good parent, He wants us to get all we need. In fact, He doesn’t want us to get up until we can’t consume any more. He longs for us to be satisfied in His presence.

“In your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps.16:11b).

Your Father desires peace for your heart and household; He wants love for your marriage, forgiveness and restoration in your family. He longs for you to be filled with love and joy and harmony. Jesus paid a high price to lay this meal before you. But are you coming to His table with a spiritual belly too full of other treats—are your distractions just full of empty calories, no “nutritional value” at all?

When we turn off the empty disruptions and come to God’s table hungry for what He has prepared, His presence will fill and satisfy us, giving all that’s needed to sustain us. He is serving more than enough—so much that we will have leftovers to feed others who hunger and thirst.

Don’t waste the blessing of His presence.

For more on how to commune with Him through prayer and worship and enjoy the promised feast of His faithfulness today, listen to the full episode of Rosalinda’s Faith Fuel Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

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