Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

How You Can See God Move Mountains in Your Life

Right now, in America, millions of people are striving for better jobs, materials and success, in hopes of filling a void in their life. Evangelist Caleb Wampler has traveled the world, sharing the good news of Jesus with hundreds of thousands of people.

In episode six of his podcast Awaken the Wonder on the Charisma Podcast Network, Wampler said, “some are around looking for pleasure, some are around working their busy jobs, others trying to fill the void, climb corporate ladders.”

Wampler shares how walking in humility before God is how you will see Him move mountains in your life. He shares insight in the episode, on King Uzziah from the Bible. The Lord made King Uzziah prosperous and gave him an abundant life. When Uzziah became prideful, his world started to crumble. “Uzziah thought that he built his kingdom. When God had blessed him in the beginning, he was humble. In the beginning, he was going on his way, trying to do the right thing, seeking the Lord, but before he knew it, he, just like many people around the world, got lost on his pathway to busyness,” Wampler said.

In the Bible, you will see that when Uzziah died, Isaiah said he saw the Lord. In this episode, Evangelist Caleb shares how Isaiah approached the Lord in a completely different manner. In Isaiah 6:5, you see him say, “Woe is for me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips.” Instead of reacting with a sense of pride when God blessed him, Isaiah did the exact opposite: he began to humble himself.

In a world where so many people are looking to exalt themselves, Wampler talks about the importance of humbling yourself and exalting the Lord. “My friends, I don’t know about you, but this whole earth will be filled, with His glory one way or another. If you are like me, maybe you want to join me on the path to see how humble we can become, how close and near to God can we become, because when pride dies, the glory of God comes,” Wampler said.

When we seek after the heart of Jesus above all else, we find that pride and thoughts on things of the world start to die. In the culture we live in today, many people are hungry for success and not God’s heart. In the world, we can fall into the trap of desiring success, and we open ourselves up to temptation. As soon as Uzziah started reveling in his success, he began to exalt himself above God. Self-exaltation is the same sin Adam and Eve were tempted with when they were in the garden. Wampler said in his podcast, “I don’t know about you and what you are facing, but if we humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, He won’t just heal us, but He will heal our land.”

Our neighbors, friends, co-workers and family members need to see, now more than ever, us exalting and lifting up King Jesus above all else. When He blesses you, continue to lean into the grace of God, just like Isaiah, humbling yourself before the King of kings. In a society that lives for exalting self, as the body of Christ, we must burn for exalting Jesus. Our country needs to see the glory of God fall like never before, and as Wampler said, let us see how humble we can become.

John 3:30 (NLT) says, “He must become greater and greater, I must become less and less.” Let that be the cry of our hearts in this generation. Tune in to episode six of Awaken the Wonder, to continue to ignite the fire in your heart for Jesus. {eoa}

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