Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How You Can Receive Breakthrough in Your Soul

We have the honor to celebrate the rich revelation Katie Souza shares as we dive into the need for inner healing and deliverance to reach the breakthrough in our souls.

Two Extremes

Inner healing is a very controversial subject, sending most people running for the hills the moment it is mentioned, but many people we encounter fall into two types of extremes.

One extreme is a group so prideful they believe there is no need for inner healing because they are perfect. The Bible says we will be transformed into Jesus’ likeness from glory to glory. This shows that in our entire walk with Jesus we will be progressively transformed into His image, which is where we see the need to gradually get better and better as we go!

The second extreme is a group which can be found stuck in these kumbaya sozo circles, constantly looking under every rock searching for things from which to be delivered. Somehow they completely missed the part where we should all be celebrating what Jesus did for us 2,000 years ago!

Middle Ground

Jesus freed us on the cross and left us with the perfect middle ground: the Holy Ghost! Instead of trying to find something wrong with you, just ask Him! He sees the hidden things beyond your scrutiny. If there is something going on in your inner man, He will tell you and facilitate healing as you need.

The Soul Realm

Each one of us is made up of a three part being: body, soul and spirit.

The Bible says that we are new creations in Christ, and we are! This is referring to our spirit that became perfect upon our regeneration in Christ.

It’s our soul that needs to go through the transformation process. We know this is true by looking at our everyday experiences when we get offended, judgmental or fearful. Sin and trauma live in the soul realm where they will stay and wreak havoc if we don’t stay clean of these wounds or heal the pain from our past.

Four Main Hindering Factors Preventing Breakthrough

1. Unforgiveness. Holding onto offenses can block healing in your life, physical body and finances.

2. Dwelling among the tombs. These tombs are painful memories from the past you are dwelling on night and day.

3. Bitterness. Living among the tombs can develop this root that torments you.

4. Idolatry. Lusts in your soul that you are chasing instead of God.

Supernatural Tools

John 14:30 (AMPC) says, “I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.]”

Jesus gave us a secret insight on how the enemy takes hold!

It is important to recognize but not identify with what is happening in your soul. You are not a judgmental person; you are just repeating a sin nature in your soul. Recognize it and hand it over to God! Take action with the tools Jesus made available through the cross!

Release the Holy Spirit to search you and find the root that has taken hold. Repent and cleanse yourself in Jesus’ blood that atones for all sin! You shall prosper even as your soul prospers, so take back what the enemy stole from you. Break your common ground with the enemy by releasing the Holy Ghost to reveal his strongholds and let dunamis power perfect you, making you excellent of soul!

Listen to this episode of The End Times’ Oracle with Ben Lim on Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Dr. Ben Lim is the senior pastor of Open Heavens World which currently oversees three church plants in Southern California. He is a dynamic Millennial preacher who has traveled to nearly 50 countries in just the past 10 years. He spent his earlier years in the mission fields of Asia and Southeast Asia, preaching the gospel to unreached people groups.

He is the CEO of Ben Lim Global and Ben Lim Ministries. His ministry is accompanied with notable signs, wonders and miracles. He holds a doctorate degree of theology from Next Dimension University.

He is ordained by pastor Benny Hinn and the World Healing Fellowship and is a trusted voice and a regular feature on the Charisma Media Prophetic Insight and many other prophetic channels. You can listen to his CPN podcast End Times’ Oracle.

God is speaking, and in these end times, He is speaking louder and clearer through His apostolic, prophetic church. Dr. Ben Lim is one of the many chosen end-times oracles to release the now rhema Word of God to this generation.

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