Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How You Can Grow Into God’s Calling for Your Life

I remember the day the Lord called me into ministry. It is one of two times I have heard the audible voice of the Lord. What a powerful encounter that left me astounded and ready to pack my bags to hit the road—on to the nations! Yet, that was 17 years ago, and it has only been in the last couple of years that I have begun traveling internationally. Why?

Whenever the Lord calls us, a time of development is needed. With each step of faith, the Lord meets us with provision, a time to learn more about His faithfulness and our own character building.

It’s like teaching a child to swim. First, they must become familiar with the water. Then they learn how to float, and finally move on to swimming. A licensed instructor or adult remains near them throughout this process. It is only after multiple times in the water that the child is ready to swim in the deep end or jump off the diving board.

So how can we grow into the calling and vision God has placed on our lives?

—Allow peace and contentment to guide you throughout the journey. Do not attempt to rush the process or frustration and discouragement will arise.

—Step out when prompted. God will not reveal the whole plan at once. Get used to taking only one step at a time. This may entail changing positions or ministry assignments. Transition can be difficult but is required. Pray through this time and wait for confirmation. Bless those you leave. Never close a door with anger or strife.

—Continue to remain faithful in every assignment. Each new task is building upon the previous lesson in some way. When you are faithful in a little, God will promote you. God blesses obedience.

—Remain humble. When you are in the “promised land,” so to speak, and walking out the vision, remember where you came from and that it has been because of God all along.

God has such an awesome plan for your life (Jer. 29:11). Remember, He equips the called. Trust Him. Lean into Him. Allow Him to lead you. He will complete what He begins in your life (Phil. 1:6).

For more encouragement on this topic, listen to the full episode of Living in the Light on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

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