Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How You Can Find Joy in Pursuing Your Divine Calling

Each one of us is a unique individual. Isn’t it great that God didn’t make any of us the same! (Yes, even though some of you may be in a family with twins, triplets and so on). We are special, and God loves each of us in a unique way. However, did you ever consider God has a special assignment for each of us, and that no one else can do it?

You may be reading this already wondering what God’s calling, or assignment, is for you. Many people will think that God’s calling rests on church pastors, teachers, leaders and missionaries. Some may think of other positions within their local church. But God’s work isn’t for inside the church only. The “church” is all His children, or believers, and we have special assignments. God has the whole world covered, and you and I are part of this. Isn’t it great to know that God believes in each of us to do His work? Yes, we are God’s partners!

God already calls us to be His children. To be His child, we take a first step in being a believer and starting to walk with the Lord. There is a joy in making that decision alone. God gives us the Bible to help us study and grow. Then, as we focus on the Lord, we will see Him open doors. We will gradually have insight on God’s calling, but it will be up to us to pursue those opportunities.

When “anointed” is used in the Bible, it relates to an individual being set apart, or dedicated, to the work of the Lord. As Christians, God calls us to be set apart. Prayerfully, this verse touches your heart and spirit.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9, NASB).

Let’s take this a step further. When we become a believer, we are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, who takes up permanent residence. The Holy Spirit has many tasks, which include:

— Conviction of sin.

— Creating and regenerating the new believer.

— Sealing a Christian for salvation.

— Reminding a Christian of their salvation.

— Teaching the Bible.

— Interceding for us in prayer.

— Comforting as God’s children as we need it.

— Empowering us to serve God.

— Giving us discernment regarding decisions.

— Helping us walk out daily life with the characteristics of Jesus.

He is our best friend for life.

There are Scriptures in the Bible regarding spiritual gifts. They include:

— Romans 12:6-8.

— 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 28-30.

— Ephesians 4:9-11.

— 1 Peter 4:11.

Your spiritual gifts will be tied to your calling. When you do what God calls you to do and engage your spiritual gifts, people will see you working with a grace and ease that makes the task look simple for you. But be on guard. Whenever you do anything for the Lord, the devil will come against you. He most definitely doesn’t want you to succeed.

Please know, dear friends, that God will be working in and through you.

There is a true joy in growing with the Lord when our heart and mind realize we are called and God entrusts His work to each of us. God has given us His Holy Spirit to anoint us and lead us in this journey. He has also given us spiritual gifts to use as He opens doors to serve Him as we serve others. As we mature and grow, He gives us an excitement and stirring in our spirit, making it easy to be sold out to Him.

This is a small celebration from my own life that may serve as an example. It was a special day in May 1982 in my home church. At the time, we didn’t have a pastor. Other pastors were filling in as our members were extending a call for our new pastor. Each year, verses were spoken over youth during this celebration. The verse spoken over me was Matthew 28:18-20, which many of you know as the Great Commission:

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to ]follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age: (Matt. 28:18-20).

For many years, I wondered who picked that verse for me. I couldn’t think of any of my family members who would have chosen it, and at the time, I wasn’t an outgoing spirit set on people being saved. But God had other ideas. Over the nearly 40 years since that event, I have watched God grow me in His Word. Many sweet Scriptures that I’ve learned over the years were woven into the timeless study guides of Heaven Bound and Walking The Talk. God has opened doors for me that I didn’t even dream of. For the past year, I have had the privilege and opportunity to share Jesus and the Word throughout the world. It’s a joy when people I may not ever see give their lives to Jesus, and there are people who want to grow with the Lord. I continue to look forward to worship services, Bible class and studying the Word daily. It is so easy for me to say, “God is great!” as I have seen Him do much in my life. I very much look forward to the day when we get home to heaven. I want to run to Jesus and hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” I would like to see Jesus’ smile and get a hug from him too.

For the time we are here, I consider myself part of the soul-saving, kingdom-building collaboration of the saint. I may not see many of you this side of heaven. But one day soon I will see you, and what a joyous day that will be! {eoa}

Sheila Srna is a lady who wholeheartedly loves the Lord. She is the author of Walking the Talk, a Lifestyle of Sharing Jesus, in which she uses Scripture and practical applications to encourage believers to share their faith and Jesus with those around us. We have the privilege and opportunity to make an eternal impact. Sheila has also authored Heaven Bound, Walking with the Lord, where she encourages any believer to grow with the Lord all the way from the time Christians become a believer to the time they arrive in heaven. Both books are easy to study and are filled with plenty of Scriptures intended to touch your heart, mind and spirit. Her website,, is a resource for you. The website opens with the gospel verses we know, John 3:16-17, and it closes with a blessing Scripture, Numbers 6:24-26. Both books are featured along with the verse of the day, prayer requests and an option for you to sow into the Loved Always ministry. Her encouragement is for you to grab a Bible and learn how great God and His love truly are.

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