Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How You Can Experience God’s Radical Favor

You can experience a new realm of God's favor, where doors of opportunity will be opened to you.

God wants to release radical, abundant favor upon your life and extravagantly overwhelm you with His goodness. There are keys to experiencing this supernatural grace.

Several years ago, the Lord spoke to me in a time of prayer that He had called me to media. When He spoke this to my heart, He also said, “I don’t want you knocking on the door of any media networks. I am going to bring them to you.” I knew I needed to just saturate it in prayer before Him.

The Right Place at the Right Time

When you walk with God and are obedient to Him, there is a realm of divine favor that comes upon your life. Part of divine favor is God putting you in the right place at the right time to meet the right people that will propel God’s purpose forward in your life. It’s not something that can be manipulated or fabricated. It’s God’s divine moving on your behalf. Obedience is a key.

This is seen in the example of Luke 5:4-7, where Jesus tells Peter to throw his net into the water. Peter basically says, “I’ve done this all night long and I’m exhausted! I haven’t caught one fish! But at Your word I will obey.” He throws the net back in, and suddenly, he catches so many fish his boat can’t even contain them. Favor will cause you to reap an abundant harvest free of self-striving. Obedience to God makes all the difference.

When God spoke to me about being on television, I knew I would need His favor to see it happen. After praying over it, I found myself speaking at a conference where the host had his own television show on several networks. God spoke to me during worship, “I want you to sow your honorarium into his television ministry.” I first thought to myself, “God His ministry is bigger than mine and he has more money than I do. I need the honorarium more than he does.” Then God replied, “Do you want to have a media ministry?” I said, “Yes, I believe it’s Your will.” He said, “Sow into his media ministry.” I suddenly had a burst of God’s faith in my heart and with jo,y sowed into his ministry. I have also discovered that when you rejoice over and bless what God is doing in someone else, it makes room for God’s blessing in your own life.

Free From Self-Striving

Soon after obeying God’s word to my heart, I received a phone call from an international television network saying that the head of the network saw my face while in prayer. God spoke to them that I was supposed to be on television. They opened the door and made the way for me to launch into my media call.

Obedience was a key to seeing God’s favor move on my behalf. But there was no self-striving involved. If God has to speak to someone on your behalf on the other side of the world, He can do it. It’s called the favor of God. Favor releases blessing, open doors, provision and enables you to fulfill God’s purposes in your life. God’s favor will open the doors you are supposed to walk through and shut the doors that would lead you down a wrong path.

You can experience a new realm of God’s favor. Get ready to see every limit come off your life. You can put an end to all self-striving and see it replaced by an abundant harvest. Instruction grants knowledge and revelation produces faith to experience God’s divine truth. You can live in divine favor and be overwhelmed by God’s extravagant goodness in your life. {eoa}

Matt Sorger, author, prophetic messenger, revivalist, healing evangelist, teacher, television host and philanthropist, has served in full-time ministry for over 23 years, spanning more than 200 nations of the earth through travel and media ministry. He hosts a weekly teaching program titled Power for Life. Matt moves in a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God with many healed, set free and empowered. He teaches believers how to live lives saturated with the glory of God and brings a great balance between authentic, supernatural encounter and solid biblical truth. He reaches cities and regions by partnering with and impacting local churches to see a great breakthrough of the Holy Spirit. For the original article, visit

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