Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How to Turn Away From Sin and Never Go Back

Often, Christians say the sinner’s prayer, only to fall back into the sin they were saved from. Others fear the same fate as they struggle to resist old temptations and habits. We blame God, as though He didn’t save us completely. When doubts come to the surface, we feel it’s impossible to stay a faithful Christian.

In her book Set Free and Delivered: Strategies and Prayers to Maintain Freedom (May 1, 2018) Sophia Ruffin reveals how the spiritual warfare we experience is not because we are not true Christians. Conversely, we are attacked because we are Christians. Opposition increases, as we now pose a threat to the darkness. The enemy understands just how instrumental we are in spreading the gospel and advancing God’s kingdom. Ignoring this reality is, as Ruffin warns, like going to war with no intent to fight.

She references Luke 11:24–26, which tells of an evil spirit that leaves a person and wanders, only to come back to the same person, bringing seven other spirits worse than itself. Ruffin emphasizes how necessary it is to prepare for comeback demons and provides strategies and prayers in her book to help readers maintain deliverance.

“Going to the altar and accepting Christ as your personal Savior is bigger than a pretty little fairy tale. You are making a decision to put your flesh to death. … The moment you give your life to Christ, all hell breaks loose. Yes, all of hell gets the memo regarding you. Your deliverance will be tried and tested continuously,” Ruffin says.

Through Set Free and Delivered, Ruffin shares her personal experience of maintaining deliverance as she struggled with homosexuality, rage, bitterness, lust, unforgiveness and so much more.

Ryan LeStrange, founder of TRIBE Network, says, “I have seen countless people experience genuine deliverance, only to be swept back into the same bondage after God had so gloriously delivered them! This is not acceptable. The art of staying free is vital. … Sophia Ruffin takes this difficult issue on and provides vital insight, tools and prayers to empower continuing freedom.”

Ruffin is founder of Dope Chic but Holy Chic Ministries in Chicago. Gifted with a strong prophetic anointing, she has ministered throughout the United States, bringing power and a radical message of deliverance. Ruffin is a prolific minister, a sought-after conference speaker, and the author of From Point Guard to Prophet, Shame and After the Altar. Her story was featured on 700 Club in an episode called “Turning Misery Into Ministry,” and she hosts a daily live show on Facebook where thousands of viewers listen to her speak on her journey. She resides in the Chicago area with her mother, Doris Ruffin. {eoa}

Charisma House empowers people through Spirit-inspired resources. It is the leading publisher of diversified Christian resources motivating people to fulfill God’s purpose. For more than 20 years, Charisma House has published books, including 14 New York Times best-sellers, that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians.

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