Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Silence the Voices of Everyone but Jesus

Are you consumed by everything going on in the world right now? Whether or not to wear a mask, the protests, injustice and election? In a recent episode of the Awaken the Wonder podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, evangelist Caleb Wampler talks about how we have to get to a place where we stop looking at everything going on in our world and focus on Jesus.

If you go by the opinion of what everyone else around you is saying and do not care about what God is saying, you will be empty, sick and broken inside. We have to be willing to stand in the gap for a generation and go where nobody has gone before.

How do you do this? The Bible says in Luke 6:45b, “Of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” If you wonder where you fall in this, what have you been talking about lately? What are the last 20 posts you did on social media? When you look at what you are speaking and posting, you will know with what you are filling your heart. Proverbs 18:21a says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” The tongue is so powerful, and what you are speaking about and declaring releases angels and demons on assignment.

Wampler was going to preach at a church in Florida, and before he left, he was in prayer in his bedroom when demons entered and tried to attack him. He started praying in the Spirit, binding them and asking Jesus what was going on. At that moment, the Lord showed him the demons came from three different ministers speaking something over him. He had no idea who they were and what was said, but it was not about that. The Lord was showing him our words have creative power.

When you allow everything happening around you—those mocking you, questioning you and speaking fear—to get inside you, it begins to fuel you. Those things become bread to you; you start to eat of those things and speak them in your own life, and they become a reality.

“When people start speaking contrary to what He is saying, I do not want those opinions in my life,” Wampler said. People will say offensive things to you, but whose opinion are you receiving from? The people you go to when you are hurting define what the fruit will be in your own life.

“I don’t know about you, but I have made it a part of my life, before I go to anyone, I go get on my knees, and I say, ‘Jesus,’ because His opinion is what matters to me,” Wampler said.

His audience and His presence are what matter. In Luke 10:38-41, Jesus told Martha she was worried and upset about many things, but Mary chose what was right, and that would not be taken from her. Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus, listening to every word He said.

Spend time sitting at the feet of Jesus today. Start removing the voices around you that have not been speaking life into you.

For more on how to listen to the voice that matters most, listen to Awaken the Wonder here. {eoa}

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