Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How to Keep the Enemy From Stealing Your Focus

In my over 30 years of advising and coaching both business and church leaders, I am saddened to say that there is an escalation of a terrible reality.

Even with thousands of books, blogs, articles, resources and endless “shouting from the mountain tops,” well-meaning professionals continue to choose the wrong path to accomplish their goals. They allow themselves to quickly (and sometime destructively) walk the wrong path toward their destiny.

Seek First

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you” (Matt. 6:33).

How many times have we read or heard this verse?

How many more times will it take for us to “get it” and actually “do it?”

Please, this is not a condemnation; it is an exhortation for us to simply judge all we do along the best path, the path we know we are created to walk, and not be so easily led astray.

Two Ways

Several years ago, a client and good friend called me about a speaking opportunity. At that time, he was the president of the Mobile, Alabama, Chamber of Commerce. He asked if I would be interested in speaking at the annual meeting of all U.S. Chamber of Commerce executives and regional directors in Boca Raton, Florida. Well, “Duh”. Well “Duh”—of course I said yes.

I had worked with him many times for his chamber, from keynoting his annual chamber celebration to leadership development within his executive team. Rather than ask me to give one of my “canned” topics, he said all my stuff was good … “But this time, Jim, can you just remind us of what we already know?”

Sometimes we just need to be reminded of what we already know. Here is a simple list of the two ways we can work and live as we walk out our destiny.

Where’s Your Focus List

God’s Way

  • Priorities
  • Wisdom
  • Intentional
  • Future
  • Big Rocks
  • Purposeful
  • Calm
  • In Control
  • Slow Down
  • Quality
  • On Purpose
  • Spirit-led
  • Kingdom Building

Satan’s Way

  • Emergencies
  • Pressure
  • Reactive
  • Present
  • Pebbles
  • Scattered
  • Hectic
  • Out of Control
  • Speed Up
  • Quantity
  • Distracted
  • Head-led
  • Fire-fighting

Yes, you have heard all this before, but I was led this morning to create this memory jogger for all of us on the path we were created to walk!

You can download an infographic of this chart from my this on my Dr Jim’s Facebook page – or my blog. I encourage you to download the infographic and save it on your phone, iPad and computer and refer to it often.

So Where Is Your Focus?

My prayer is that this powerful memory jogger keeps you on His path doing His business for His reasons. {eoa}

Dr. Jim Harris is an executive coach, adviser and author of 14 award-winning business books. Download his FREE 31 Power Prayers to Prosper Your Business. Connect with Dr. Jim on Facebook LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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