Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How Holy Spirit Can Develop the Faith of a Champion in You

“David said to Saul, ‘Let no man’s heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight with this Philistine'” (1 Sam. 17:32).

Young David went to face the “champion of the Philistines.” As the unofficial champion of Almighty God, he had a champion faith which enabled him to take out his adversary.

You and I will need that kind of champion faith in these last days as well. This is because Jesus said in Luke 21:26 “men [will faint] from fear and expectation of what is coming on the inhabited earth. For the powers of heaven will be shaken.”

Think about David as he looked at all of Saul’s army hiding in the trenches, shivering with fear because of Goliath’s roar of blasphemy. He wasn’t overcome because everyone else was, but on the contrary, their cowardice made him angry and more determined to destroy the enemy whom he knew was already a defeated foe.

“When all Israel’s fighting men saw the man, they fled from him, and were very afraid. … David spoke to the men that stood by him, saying, ‘What will be done for the man that kills this Philistine and takes away this reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?'” (1 Sam. 17:24, 26).

David had one thing on his mind, and that was the fact that Goliath was not only his enemy but was defying Almighty God and therefore in deep trouble. David knew God would need someone to use executing vengeance upon His enemy, so he stepped up to the plate and said, “It might as well be me.”

Praise the Lord! We should remember that our enemies are God’s enemies because we have a covenant with God. He will defeat them by using one of us as His champion, just as He did with Jesus when He walked this earth.

Jesus was God’s champion, who through the Holy Ghost, defeated every enemy he faced which was threatening the future of the people of God (Acts 10:38).

You can defeat that which stands in opposition to God’s plan for your life.

What are some of the steps we can learn from David that will help us develop this championship faith as well? What made David different from all the rest of his contemporaries that brought him to his great destiny in God?

First we should know that David was a youth, a mere boy of about 15 years. This tells me David didn’t wait until he was an adult to get to know God. David was not a time waster when it came to his spiritual life.

During those early years while herding his father’s sheep, he developed qualities that enabled him to step up to the plate when his opportunity for advancement came.

Many people are unprepared for the day of opportunity because they have wasted so much time after becoming a believer. Instead of pressing in while a spiritual youth through prayer, fasting and study of God’s Word, many have allowed the cares of life and an unbiblical value system to rob them of time needed for preparing themselves for God’s plan in the future.

God is preparing you for the day of battle, because the day of battle is also the day of advancement. Don’t forget that after this battle (David vs. Goliath) a nobody became a somebody.

Did you ever wonder why you have had the seemingly tough training during your formative years as a Christian? This could be the reason; Satan will be there to defy you when it is time for promotion. You will not get to your destiny without defeating the Goliath that stands in your way. You will need championship faith in that hour.

What four qualities did David develop that enabled him to win his big battle and breakthrough to destiny?

  1. He was faithful in his father’s house.
  2. He had a tender heart of worship.
  3. He understood covenant concepts.
  4. He understood faith principles.

Faithful in the Father’s House

David was tending his father’s sheep. He learned to be faithful in the house of his father.

Submission and obedience are implied in this message. We see David being faithful to duty at this time in his life. He was obeying the assignment his father had given him; to watch the sheep and to take lunch to his brothers on the battle front.

It is important that believers learn to be faithful to duties in the local church right away and develop the ability to stay under authority and do a good job while there.

Many people downplay this important part of preparation and roam about, looking for opportunity that never comes.

A Tender Heart of Worship

He was called the “sweet singer of Israel” because he developed intimacy with God while tending the sheep. He learned to draw near to God through praise and worship, allowing his heart to become tender to God. This tenderheartedness is what caused him to be so grieved when he sinned, and to immediately seek restoration with the Lord.

Many today have no grief over their sin, but continue in hardheartedness and denial of their wrongdoing. A tenderhearted worshipper cannot stay out of fellowship with God for long, but will repent and seek God’s presence.

Covenant Concepts

David also learned the key of covenant relationship while a youth. He understood that Goliath was an uncircumcised Philistine.

Circumcision was the entrance to covenant in Israel. No uncircumcised person could partake of the covenant blessings of God promised to the people. God is cutting away the flesh that hinders us from entering covenant with others that have been placed in our lives for further maturity and impartation.

Have you allowed circumcision in your life at the hand of a skilled workman who takes the sword of the spirit delicately to those areas that need to be cut away?

He Understood Faith-Principles

Lastly, David learned to speak the Word in faith when he faced the enemy. He said, “David said, “The Lord who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.’ And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.’ … So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone. And he struck down the Philistine and slew him, but there was no sword in the hand of David” (1 Sam. 17:37, 50).

But there was a sword in his mouth!

When we have learned these four indispensable traits, we will be ready to both defeat our adversary and move into promotion. {eoa}

Dr. John Polis has been a TV and radio host for more than 30 years and author of 11 books now translated into six languages. Dr. John is currently president and founder of Revival Fellowship International.

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