Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee-.-.-.-and dwellest therein. —Deuteronomy 26:1

Yashab, the Hebrew word translated “dwell” in the Old Testament, means “to settle down” and “to marry.” Some of us are still in courtship in the kingdom of God. God doesn’t call us to a dating relationship. As the bridegroom, Jesus calls us to be His bride. He wants more than our mere infatuation. Jesus desires our passionate, fiery love.

When we marry, we set up a homestead. America’s settlers knew about homesteading. It was a requirement for them to obtain title to the land they claimed, along with digging wells and planting a crop.

In the spiritual realm there is land sectioned out by God—more than enough for everyone. There are hills of healing and quadrants of joy. There are acres of ability to annihilate the forces of darkness. The soils of salvation abound.

Are you still “courting” God, or are you ready to settle down and get serious with God and homestead your promised land? In His promised land there is abundance, blessing, life, and a future. Outside of His land, there is only desolate wilderness, endless wandering, and ongoing seasons of dryness and lack. Come to the promised land.

Lord, You are my place of dwelling. You are
my land of promise and my future and hope. Amen.

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