Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. —Galatians 3:29

Paul said the Spirit of God revealed to him that the blessings of Abraham should come upon the Gentiles. Along with the Jews, the Gentile would also be joint-heirs and partakers of the promise (Ephesians 3:6). Christians today act as if we have to wait to get to heaven to receive the revelation of the promise! The Bible says heaven is where Jesus is, and Jesus is in us as well as among us.

Heaven is available to us today, if we will simply partake of what is rightfully ours as heirs of the promise. Do not allow the death of Jesus on Calvary to be a vain act in your life, but receive all that He purchased for you. When He gave His life willingly on the Cross, it was to give great things to all who would receive them.

Through faith in Christ, we are accounted sons (no longer servants), having all the privileges of God’s children, including a heavenly Father who is intimately concerned with everything that concerns us. Seek Him for His provision, His protection, and His patient love.

You not only have His promise; You are His promise. Your life is a fulfillment of His promise as He protects, provides for, and loves others through your gifts and ministry.

Jesus, thank You for giving Your promises and
making my life a promise to others. Teach me
how to trust all of Your promises today. Amen.

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