Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. —Matthew 6:34

Why does God let this happen to me? Why didn’t God do this sooner? Why didn’t God stop this? All of us have questions like this, and there are no sure answers to questions like these.

Why did God allow Abraham and Sarah to reach the age of one hundred and ninety, respectively, before giving Sarah such “strength to conceive”?

Sarah’s foolishness, however, did not remove her from God’s purpose for her. Sarah’s laughing at God did not make Him change His mind. For God was determined to deal with Sarah herself and make her see His glory. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen. 18:14).

Whether we are facing a major decision, sorrow, illness, bereavement, misunderstanding, or perhaps depression—God’s grace is never wasted by being given to us before we need it.

Sarah’s natural explanation for God’s promise and her natural reaction to His own purpose for her have been repeated by all of us many times. We have manipulated providence and prophecy and judged His promises incredible. But God has also been kind to us, as He was to Sarah—even turning our laughter to godly fear. It is a sign that He is dealing with us, that He wants to include us in His great purpose.

Corrie ten Boom once asked her father, “What is it like to die?” He answered her, “When we take the train to Amsterdam, when do I give you the ticket to hand to the guard?” She replied, “Just before we get off.” Her father then added, “That is the way God deals with us.” God answers our questions when we really need the answers. God supplies the grace when we really need it.

Excerpted from Believing God (MorningStar Publications & Ministries, 1997).

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