Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. —Isaiah 55:8

Being born into a Christian home has its advantages, but it is no guarantee that a person will become a Christian. One of the saddest things I know is to be born into a Christian home where you have heard it all, and you let those precious years pass by without responding in your heart. What can you be sure of once you’re a Christian? The first thing is this: God has a plan.

God has a plan for your life, and He knows what is good and what is right for you. It’s easy for us to get impatient. All of us have something we want, and when we don’t get it, we become impatient. Now what God may lead one person to do, He may not lead another to do. The worldly may call this “luck,” but for the Christian, it just means God sorts things out.

God has a purpose. He has a plan for you; He has a providence for you. That means things will happen in your life where, unknown to you, God will be at work. There is an explanation for everything that happens. If you are a Christian, nothing happens to you without a purpose. You may not know the reason by tomorrow afternoon. You may begin scratching your head and asking, “Why did God allow this to happen?” Don’t become bitter about anything, for one day you will see God had everything under total control.

Excerpted from All’s Well That Ends Well (Authentic Media, 2005).

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