Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. —2 Corinthians 5:20

True fulfillment in life comes when you stop running to and fro, grasping for things to fulfill you, and begin to realize the marvelous plan God has for you.

Of the billions of people on this planet, you have the unique role of husband, father, wife, mother, son, or daughter. God has positioned you to serve Him in whatever environment you find yourself. It is our responsibility to let a hurting world know that God, in His love, gave His Son on the Cross.

You are special, one of a kind, and essential in the kingdom of God. Without you, many will not hear the good news of Christ. Without you, many will not be saved, healed, delivered, and served in His name.

God has ordained a special place of ministry for each of us. This isn’t a choice on our part. God has commissioned every believer with the ministry of reconciliation. Reflect today on the roles you alone can fill, and then determine to fulfill those roles to the very best of your God-given abilities.

Use me, today, O Lord. Let me be Your
voice, hands, feet, and witness in the
world. When others look at me, I pray
that they will see You. Amen.


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