Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

God Is Sending the Angels of Heaven’s Armies to Watch Over You

The Lord gives His angels charge over your life. Hebrews 1:14 says, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to minister to those who will inherit salvation?” Salvation is eternal but also for your day to day life. God wants you to be free of every oppression, depression, fear, sickness and poverty.

In Genesis 24:9-10 we see Abraham commissioning his servant to go into his father’s homeland to get a bride for Isaac. The servant says to Abraham, “Perhaps the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land” (Gen. 24:5b). Abraham responds by saying, “He [the Lord] shall send His angel before you” (Gen. 24:7b). You and I also have such angels operating in our lives.

Prosperity is the wisdom to know what God wants us to do in the moment that He wants us to do it. Angels come on assignment to help with just that. They will guide you and speak what God has for them to speak. They love humanity and long to serve the needs of the people of God.

There was a time I was building a new house, and really, I didn’t have the faith to do it. The Lord sent an angel to me while I was on a ministry trip to England who declared that I was edified to do anything. Suddenly my faith exploded, and I was able to believe for the house that God longed to give to me. I believe that God wants to do the same for you.

So join in and listen to this episode of From the Mountaintop on the Charisma Podcast Network today. I believe your faith will be strengthened to believe for your encounters and for greater things in your own life. God wants to bless you and strengthen you and uses angels to do just that. {eoa}

To learn more about Darren Canning, visit his website at If you sign up for his prophetic newsletter, you will receive a free digital copy of his book, The Science of Prophetic Ministry. Connect with Darren on his YouTube channel where he hosts a prophetic broadcast with many guests. As you tune in at 7 p.m. EST, you will likely get a prophetic word. Or connect with him on Facebook or Instagram @darrencanningministries.

Darren Canning is a traveling minister and social media voice. He has been a forerunner in social media ministry, helping many to develop their ministries online. He has also gone to many nations preaching the gospel with signs and wonders following. He teaches people to live by faith and to believe God for the impossible.

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