Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Second Chronicles 16:9 (NKJV) says, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”

People often say they are waiting on God for their breakthroughs or promises to manifest. However, 2 Chronicles 16:9 reveals the reverse side of this spiritual coin. We are not only waiting on God, but His Spirit is looking for us. God is desirous of those who He can show Himself “strong on behalf of.” There are some interesting points to notice about this Scripture

The Eyes of the Lord

God sees and knows all. He is not only omnipresent but omniscience—meaning He knows all. Imagine God scanning the earth from heaven, looking for those individuals whose hearts are pure and tuned into the channel of faith.

There are two Scriptures that reveal powerful truths on how an individual may gain special notice from God.

Matthew 5:8 says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

Hebrews 11:6 says that “without faith it is impossible to please [God].”

God is looking for us, but Matthew 5:8 reveals that a pure heart will allow us to “see God.” Seeing God is not relegated to seeing a tangible manifestation of God’s person but also means to experience His evident favor in one’s life. Also, to “see God” means to have the Holy Spirit reveal more of the person of Jesus and His ways to our hearts and soul. Simply stated, purity releases a greater revelation of God in our life.

The second truth is that faith in God pleases God. While the eyes of the Lord “run to and fro,” they are looking for those who exercise their faith. What does the Bible say that Jesus will look for when He returns to the earth? It doesn’t say he will be looking for the best preacher, the best tourist attraction or the most powerful world leader. The Bible says in Luke 18:8, “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” Our faith sends such a powerful message to God about our sincere belief in Him, and if we trust Him, our faith grabs the attention of God’s eyes and touches His heart!

The Whole Earth

There are currently over 7 billion people living on Planet Earth. It is a great mystery how God is able to hear the prayers of billions worldwide simultaneously. However, faith-fueled prayers attract God’s attention, regardless of our geographical location. While reading 2 Chronicles 16:9, I thought of all of the third world nations stricken with disease, division, war and poverty. God doesn’t say that the people of these nations are overlooked, but rather, His eyes scan “throughout the whole earth.” God doesn’t discriminate. Romans 2:11 (KJV) says, “For there is no respect of persons with God.” God does respect our obedience, purity, faith and worship.

The great evangelist and apostle of faith, Smith Wigglesworth, declared, “There is something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people to get to you.”

A Loyal Heart

The Scripture reads: “To show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him.”

Loyalty is of great value and speaks volumes of the level of relationship two individuals have with one another. Loyalty goes beyond just taking someone’s side or being committed to them. Dogs are often described as loyal to their owners. A loyal dog stays by his master’s side, is excited at the sight or sound of the master’s voice and carefully watches the master’s movements. When we are loyal to God, we learn to walk closely with the Lord hand in hand. We learn to not only obey His voice and leading but to be excited about them. Obedience no longer becomes burdensome but rather a prized privilege. A loyal dog won’t obey someone else’s voice over its own master. Jesus said explained in John 10 that His sheep know His voice, and the voice of another they will not follow.

God wants to show Himself strong for you and your loved ones. The Spirit of God is constantly searching the earth and the hearts and minds of men looking for those who might receive and display the blessings of God. God wants His strength to show up in your weakness. Your weakness may be poverty, addiction, sickness, generational curses or some other troubling issue. When God’s strength shows up in your life, what was once a struggle becomes a testimony of overcoming. Allow purity to reign in your heart and faith to dominate your life, and watch as the Spirit of God handpicks you to show Himself strong in your life. {eoa}

Demontae Edmonds is the founder of Freedom 4 the Nations, host of This Is Freedom podcast on Charisma Podcast Network and host of Atlanta’s Highways TV program. He travels the nations preaching the gospel with notable signs, wonders and miracles. His heart is to share the reality of Jesus Christ with the world through demonstrations of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence. His books Grab Hold of Your Miracle, Discerning of Spirits: 7 Dimensions of Revelation, and The Supernatural Gift of Faith can be found at Amazon, Walmart and Barnes and Nobles..

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