Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

He answereth him, and saith -.-.-.-bring him unto me. —Mark 9:19

Maybe you have gone to every therapist and counselor you can find, watched talk shows and listened to experts, but you still have that bad habit. You’re still plagued with that addiction; you’re still in bondage to your past.

The man brought his son to Jesus’ disciples, the twelve to whom Jesus imparted power and authority. They each tried, but none could cast out the evil spirit that had all but destroyed his young son. Then Jesus said, “Bring the boy to me,” and the lad was immediately set free.

Don’t be fooled into believing vain philosophies of men or the rigors of religion can free you from any habit or addiction. Unless Holy Spirit power and anointing are present, total deliverance is impossible.

There is no mediator between God and man except Christ Jesus. You do not have to go through anybody; you can walk right up to the throne of grace and find help in time of need. Take your problems directly to the King today and be forever set free!

You have a High Priest interceding for you at the throne of God (Hebrews 8-10). Take to Him every request, need, and concern. He listens and answers every prayer.

Jesus, my High Priest, thank You for interceding
for me every moment at the Father’s throne.
Keep me close to You. Search my heart
and know me. Amen.

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