Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

For God to Use You in Power, You Must Have This Key

As founder and CEO of Five Crowns Ministries, Dennis Funderburg has traveled the world and seen God do miracles, signs and wonders.

“And people always correlate to [thinking] I must be a very special holy person, or I must be a guy who has it all together. And that is not it at all,” Funderburg says on the Jesus Is Still Jesus podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I’m a broken guy just like everybody else. And I have my struggles; I have my things that I go through.”

Funderburg wants people to know the one reason God has used him: submission. “It is simply being submitted to Christ, meaning I have set myself aside for Him and Him alone,” he says. “There are days I don’t get it right, there are days that I mess it up. But in majority, I keep bringing my heart back to Him. It’s not necessarily about arriving, like a lot of people think, God will use me when I arrive. Well, that’s a religious mindset. It’s like, God will use me when I do better. Well, that’s work- based.

“… God will use you when you desire to be there,” Funderburg explains. “When you have a desire to want to be there with the Lord … ‘I want to mature; I want to get better. I want to overcome these things. I want to know you more.’ Then God’s like, ‘I will totally work with that. That is how that kingdom works.”

To hear more of Funderburg’s teaching on Jesus as Master and how understanding that truth can transform your life, listen to the full podcast here.{eoa}

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