Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Feeling Lost and Without Purpose? Do These Things

Forbes magazine states this about purpose: “Purpose is about losing yourself—in something bigger than you. It is about wanting to make a difference and do for others—to help, to give, to serve.” Psychology Today also says, “The need for purpose is one of the defining characteristics of human beings. Human beings crave purpose and suffer serious psychological difficulties when we don’t have it. Purpose is a fundamental component of a fulfilling life.”

God knew what He was doing when He formed us. He created us for something bigger than ourselves. I have a picture of myself, standing in Israel looking out over the promised land and sensing it was time I stepped out. I will never forget this day, as it is etched into my entire being. I have this picture in my prayer room to remind me that God is faithful. When we are on the right path with the Lord, there is a power within that compels us to continue walking.

I believe every person has two purposes—to worship God and to make Christ known. Worship entails bowing down to, service to the Lord and devout living. How we live as a witness to disciple others unfolds in each of our lives differently based on employment and the gifts the Lord has given us to exercise.

How do we gain clarity? Spend time quiet in His presence, step out in areas we think might be our purpose to see if doors open, pray and seek God are a few suggestions.

What might hinder our progression while walking out our journey? Unhealed woundedness, unforgiveness, feeling unworthy, impatience, fear of failure, lack of focus and not preparing oneself can limit God’s ability to use us.

How can we thrive in our purpose? Give the Lord permission to use you, spend time daily in His presence, step out in obedience when led, find a mentor and obtain education if needed.

Listen to more faith-filled episodes of Living in the Light with Kristi Lemley on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

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