Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. —Luke 1:33

There is no end to the peace of God. True peace is not the absence of conflict, but His blessed assurance in the midst of all conflict. When we pray to the Father for His kingdom to come into our lives, we ask Him to become our Father and to be responsible for our supply.

Self seeks to benefit itself at the expense of others. Love seeks to benefit others at the expense of self.

You deserved to spend eternity in hell, but He forgave you. When Jesus died on the Cross and journeyed into hell, He took your place and mediated an eternal peace with your heavenly Father. He endured torture, death, and a devil’s hell to benefit all mankind. This is true forgiveness, true love, and true peace.

Love as Jesus loves you, forgive as Jesus forgives you—and there will be no limit to His kingdom and His peace in your life. Find Jesus, the King, and you will find the kingdom-.-.-.-and in the kingdom you will find endless peace. Peace with God. Peace with yourself and others.

Almighty God, I give You praise for Jesus Christ, who makes
peace between me and You. I magnify Your name for
bringing together people from all different races
and backgrounds to be one in Christ’s body,
dwelling together in harmony
and peace. Amen.

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