Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

I wanted to be filled by the Holy Spirit and baptized by fire (Luke 3:16) desperately one year on Pentecost Sunday. It was my heart’s most burning desire. I had no clue what to do, how to receive this impartation or where to begin. This was not embraced or taught in my experience growing up. It was actually spoken against. If I could be honest, though I desired and wanted the gift, I had my doubtful moments. Was this real, or were these so-called believers faking it? Why did people’s tongues sound different? How do you learn how to speak an unknown language?

Fast forward to Pentecost Sunday: I had been praying to go higher in the Lord. I wanted to know the mysteries of God; I wanted to experience the supernatural in new dimensions, and He did not disappoint! I discovered rather quickly how important belief and faith were in receiving from God because, at that point, receiving the gift of praying in tongues seemed like the next miracle to me. I told God, “If it’s real, I believe You, so show me!”

Religion had me twisted in the mind. I had to unlearn some false teachings and fallacies that had become ingrained in my mind, but I wanted to shift into the new place in Christ. I did not see the manifestation of praying in tongues on Pentecost Sunday, but I strongly believe I received that day. Two weeks later, in a church service at the altar, I was worshipping in prayer like I always do, when an indescribable feeling I could not control overcame me. I felt a gentle pull from my abdomen and blurted out the loudest one-letter syllable! My eyes flung open because the manifestation of what I prayed for in the heavens was clearly here! My tongue was on fire, and people were staring because it came out loud and with rapid-fire.

Tongues symbolize speech and communication of the gospel. The perfect will of the father by the Holy Spirit is communicated when we pray in tongues. The mysteries of God that are unknown to us but known to Him are found in this intercession of prayer through this portal of communication by the power of the Holy Spirit. Today as the Lord has shifted me from glory to glory, I now have a library of language(s) as the Holy Spirit gives utterance.

The fire of God is refining and purifying. This fire burns up the things that are not of God and undesirable to your life and your walk with him. On Pentecost, God sent fire, and it came upon the believers in Acts 2:3-4: “Then what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.” My walk in the Lord accelerated rapidly once I received this gift. Don’t let the enemy deceive you in religious thinking that only ” some” can receive the gift.

This gift also does not exalt one believer’s ability or anointing over the next because you either have the gift or do not have the gift. Whatever you ask of God by faith, you can receive. God gives his children good gifts to empower, edify and build the body! The Word of God in Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and Ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you.” True belief and faith are the essential keys in receiving anything from God from salvation to revelation.

Most of us have not because we ask not! I’m asking for everything God has for me; I’m waiting to see it, and so can you!

If you desire to find your purpose or a prayer strategy to bring the unseen on the scene, be sure to subscribe to Flawed and Free on Charisma Podcast Network and check out our other episodes! {eoa}

Tyna Jalieba, CEO and founder of Flawed and Free, is the warrior princess who hosts the Flawed and Free podcast on Charisma Podcast Network. Tyna has spent almost 20 years as a registered nurse and five years as a family nurse practitioner and now utilizes those gifts in discipleship and kingdom building through healing and deliverance. As a spiritual warfare strategist, prophetic intercessor and deliverance minister, the Lord allows Tyna to steward and support the servants of God to free them from the flaws of their past into the freedom of their future.

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