Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Many people live life looking out for self, “number one.” We even use the familiar expression What’s in it for me?

During the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia a selfless young man rose to fame. Alexandre Bilodeau won his country’s first gold medal in the moguls event. This was the first gold medal for this speed skating event won on Canadian soil.

Cameras captured the joy on the face of his older brother when the victory was announced. His brother, Frederic Bilodeau, has cerebral palsy. In spite of the limitations, Frederic Bilodeau motivates himself to achieve beyond his disabilities. Encouraged by the determination to succeed in his handicapped brother, Alexandre Bilodeau felt he had to achieve his own high goal. His goal was to win the gold medal.

After Alexandre Bilodeau was handed the gold medal in recognition of the highest award for his achievement, he proudly made a profound statement: “I did it for him.” In making that statement, Alexandre Bilodeau was referring to his handicapped brother, Frederic.

Who is motivating you to do your best? Who are you watching that presses beyond their limitations? Let that person know that you are encouraged by their example. Then go ahead and do something special for someone else.

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