The One Lie the Enemy Wants Every Believer to Own

Don’t believe the end-times deception the enemy tries to feed you, including this one.

Here is the one lie the enemy wants every believer to own: “You are too old or the promises you once believed for are for someone younger and that you are now past.” 

The body of Christ is in transition and of course there will be an army of young people being activated in the future but all hands are being called on deck in this season: Young and old! 

There are passing of many batons coming. There are many new expressions rising up that are a new anointing, but God builds generationally and everything you carry whether old or young is equally as important.

God is breaking ageism off of our identity. Young and old. You are not too old and you are not too young. The Holy Spirit wants to release us into our eternal mindset where age isn’t important.

What God has been planting is coming to the age of its best crop. The trees are going to bear supernatural fruit. Trees planted by the river of God or lives that live out of His nature are bearing fruit 12 times a year instead of a normal harvest once a year. Ezekiel 47. 

For those of you who feel too old I read this study from the New England Journal of Medicine: 

  • A study in the U.S.A found that the most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age.
  • The next most productive stage of human life is from 70 to 80 years of age.
  • The third most productive stage is from 50 to 60 years of age.
  • The average age of Nobel Prize winners is 62 years old.
  • The average age of the presidents of prominent companies in the world is 63 years.
  • The average age of the pastors of the 100 largest churches in the U.S.A. is 71.
  • The average age of the Popes is 76 years.
  • This tells us in a way that it has been determined that the best years of your life are between 60 and 80 years.
  • A book review published in “New England Journal of Medicine” found that at age 60, you reach the TOP of your potential and this continues into your 80s.
  • Therefore, if you are between 60 -70 or 70-80 you are in the best and 2nd. level of your life.

This goes to reaffirm how it’s not about being young or old but about you getting better with time like a fine wine.

For those of you who feel old—stop it! Stop buying the lie. You are eternal. You have time left. Jesus only really spent three-and-a-half years in his ministry and if all you have is three-and-a-half years left you have plenty of time to do the will of the Father. 

Even if you broke it down just to the significance of your prayer life for your family, your church and whatever you are working on you are now praying with more authority, maturity and spiritual awareness that you only wish you had when you were first saved. Let God use this place of age to be a container for His anointing and purpose. Don’t discount yourself or others. 

To those who feel like you have missed your greater purpose, we go from glory to glory, ask God to recreate any lost opportunities or any delayed destiny. Ask Him also to open your eyes to how it may have already been happening. I heard God say for some of you: these are the good old days. I posted a TikTok message of a guy drinking coffee with a quote: “Sometimes you are so focused on the future that you don’t realize you’re in the middle of what you used to pray for.” 

We are going to see the Holy Spirit bring a generational anointing and some unlikely partnerships and even covenant best friendships between different people of different age groups. This is going to be such a sign to organizations, churches and businesses who only attract people within their current age range or to Christian media who have in the past have really only impacted the 55+ crowd. 

Things are changing quickly and God is going to create peak interests across the generations in things that are so important to all of us. 

To find out more, listen to my full podcast on The Shawn Bolz Show with Shawn Bolz:

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Shawn Bolz is a TV and podcast host, an author, producer and a Christian minister. He has been leading conversations in the church, entertainment industry and in social justice that have helped believers connect their faith to culture in a transformative way. Shawn’s deeply connected yet humorous style of speaking, media hosting & coaching through his unique expert perspective has brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEO’s, entertainers and world leaders.

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