Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Catching a Glimpse of God’s Glory

Woman praying

I have often wondered why some great men and women of faith die young. Recently a great servant of the Lord named Ruth Heflin died. I personally felt she had many more years of service to offer the Lord here on earth. She wrote a book called Glory. As I thought about her death, I felt the Lord had revealed the fullness of His glory and the glories that awaited her in heaven. The realms of glory she saw in the Spirit made this earth grow strangely dim to her, so the light of her life was transferred into the light of that city where there is no need of light—the city of our God, Zion, the New Jerusalem. 

The early heroes of our faith could not get near the glory of God. Moses had to be hidden in a rock while God’s glory passed him. When God’s glory burned on the mountain, the children of Israel were warned not to come near the mountain, because truly our God is a consuming fire. Because of the cross, however, we can now all be friends with God just as Moses was counted as a friend to God. We now have entrance into the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and we are welcomed in the assembly of the saints.

The thought of seeing some of these great heroes of our faith face to face blows me away. We also experience now the great cloud of witnesses on earth, and an innumerable company of angels surrounds us. Even though we cannot see these things with our natural eyes, the truth is the kingdom of God is at hand. When we reach our hands up in praise to God, we are able to touch the kingdom of God.

Glimpses of God’s glory are available to us daily. Have you taken a peek lately?

Lord, I know the things that keep me from experiencing Your glory daily are my concerns and cares. There are so many things on this earth to think about, and these things seem to dull my eyesight. Help me not to be nearsighted. Help me to catch glimpses of Your glory daily. I think I caught a glimpse yesterday as I looked at the smiling face of my eleven-month-old grandson. Thank You, Lord. Show me Your glory.

Read: Ezekiel 31:1-32:32; Hebrews 12:14-29; Psalm 113:1-114:8; Proverbs 27:18-20

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