Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
It’s not okay to quit or stop now. I don’t care how tired you are. You DO NOT GET to quit. There are people waiting for your breakthrough. They need you to push through to the other side. It doesn’t matter if you feel qualified. The Lord has determined you are qualified for the call He has on your life. You don’t get to disqualify yourself.

I know that you’re tired and have grown weary. Seek rest in the arms of the Father. He is the one who gives us rest. You don’t have to do it all at once. Wait on the Lord for His careful instructions. His timing is perfect and He knows you so well. Remember, He’s the one that formed you in your mother’s womb. Do you not think that He knows what you need? He’s a good Father and all of His promises are YES and AMEN!

Do not throw in the towel. Do not give up. You can’t afford to abort the mission. If not you, then who? If not now, then when? Do you think it’s going to get any easier? Your biggest cheerleader is your Heavenly Father. He’s all you need. No weapon formed against YOU shall prosper. Remember that, believe that and keep pressing on. {eoa}

Kristal Klear, formally known as Kristal Clark, author of Shattered Glass, approaches life with vision, sophistication and confidence that inspires everyone she meets. She confronts the plague of sexual abuse and human trafficking head on through fundraising, education and entrepreneurial enterprises. She has also joined a team of leaders engaging in awareness campaigns to wake up cities to hope and to help those exploited through human trafficking. Her newly founded organization, Rock Paper Scissors, specializes in ministering to the mentally and emotionally abused by providing a safe place to share, heal and spread awareness. Find out more at and purchase Shattered Glass in e-book as well.
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