Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Burning Bright Vs. Burning Out

It’s hard to focus on the things that are important when there is so much loud noise going on in the background.

Anyone that runs a business can tell you that it’s not always an easy job. There are moments when you just want to hide somewhere and let someone else take care of it. You have long workdays and get so distracted with your work that you forget to just take a step back, breathe and focus on the One that can give you all the strength and peace you need. I have had lots of moments like this.

I was talking with one of my clients last week who is also a business owner. She runs seven Airbnbs and she was telling me how it can get really hectic. She told me how there was one moment where all seven houses had guests checking in. Of course, she explained, this is usually the part where every house all of a sudden starts to have something wrong with them. The electricity was out in one house, wi-fi wasn’t working in another and the cleaner was unable to clean the other house. Soon she was being pulled in 10 different directions, having to focus on a lot of different things at once. This then led her to forget to leave a key at the house or send check-in instructions just because she was so focused on other responsibilities and it caused her to create more problems. It’s in these moments especially where you really have to take a step back, just breathe and look to God for help and hear His voice.

Looking back on her story, this is a perfect example of us with God. She was so focused and distracted by other things that she couldn’t focus on what was going on around her and what really mattered and ended up causing more trouble for herself.

God is always trying to speak to us. He is always right next to us, saying, “Hey, I have something really, really important to say.” He may even be trying to speak to us to guide us out of that situation He knows could end in us feeling like everything’s falling apart and we are causing more trouble. Maybe you are worrying about financial problems; maybe family issues; maybe the obviously crazy past two years has really put your life at a stop and you can’t seem to get back in the zone. Whatever it is, God wants us to silence the background noise, the worries and confusions in our lives, and give it to Him. You can’t lock in and focus on the task God has given you when you have so many other things going through your mind. He has all the answers to our worries and confusions so let Him tell you!

In Linda Fields’ new podcast, Burning Bright vs. Burning Out, she talks about how you can block out the distractions and live your purpose-driven life. Silence the noise so you can recognize the mission God has called upon your life.

Listen to Linda’s powerful message on Charisma Podcast Network. What is God trying to tell you? What mission has He specifically reserved for you? {eoa}

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